Daca faceti parte din nefericita clasa de utilizatori RDS si va enervati de fiecare data cand trebuie sa stati sa dati click pe "Connect" etc. va anunt ca AM REZOLVAT PROBLEMA.
Dati properties la conexiunea PPoE, mergeti la tabul Options, debifati Display progress while connecting ,
Prompt for name, password, certificate, etc si Include Windows logon domain. Apoi duceti iconita de pe desktop cu conexiunea (Drag'n'Drop) catre Start->All Programs->Startup. Dati un restart si vedeti efectul.
Auto-Connect Internet
If you are one of the unhappy class of RDS users get angry every time I want to stay click on "Connect" etc.. you know that I solved the problem.
Give PPoE connection properties, go to the Options tab, uncheck Display progress while connecting,
Prompt for name, password, certificates, etc. and Include Windows logon domain. Then go to the connection icon on the desktop (Drag'n'Drop) to Start-> All Programs-> Startup. Restart and see the effect.