(EN) Sometimes a file or folder can not be deleted or renamed because Windows says it is used by another program.
To solve this problem, follow these steps:
1. Yes a reboot the computer and try again to remove.
2. If you try to delete a program ending in. Exe, why can not be removed is currently running the program. Stop it, then delete the file or folder.
3. If not removed then open Start - Run - cmd, and try to delete the desired file with the DEL command, or delete the folder you want to order RMDIR.
4. If all does not work, open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and close the explorer.exe and everything about it, then press the Windows key + R and try to delete the commands mentioned above. After you've finished, write the command line explorer to restart the desktop.
5. If not now then failed to delete Windows starts in Safe Mode and try to delete the file or folder. How Windows start in Safe Mode? When you start the computer before Windows logo appears to you, press F8 until you come to your boot options. Choose Start Windows in Safe Mode option.
6. If you have installed on your computer boots another operating system on it, or the Live CD / Live DVD such as BartPE, Knoppix, or other operating systems can read NTFS or FAT32, and try to delete the file from there .
7. Another good tip would be to to remove the hard drive of your computer and connect it to another computer. Now most likely you can delete files or folders problem.
(RO) Uneori, un fisier sau un folder nu poate fi sters sau redenumit deoarece Windows-ul spune ca este folosit de alt program.
Ca sa rezolvi aceasta problema, urmeaza pasii:
1. Da un restart la calculator si incearca din nou sa stergi.
2. Daca incerci sa stergi un program cu terminatia .exe, motivul pentru care nu poate fi sters este acela ca programul ruleaza in acel moment. Opreste-l, apoi sterge fisierul sau folderul.
3. Daca nu l-a sters atunci deschide Start - Run - cmd, si incearca sa stergi fisierul dorit cu comanda DEL, sau sa stergi folderul dorit cu comanda RMDIR.
4. Daca tot nu merge, deschide Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) si inchide aplicatia explorer.exe si tot ce tine de ea, apoi apasa tasta windows+R si incearca sa stergi cu comenzile mentionate mai sus. Dupa ce ai terminat, scrie in linia de comanda explorer, pentru a reporni desktopul.
5. Daca nici acum nu a reusit sa stearga atunci porneste Windows-ul in Safe Mode si incearca sa stergi fisierul sau directorul. Cum pornesti Windows-ul in Safe Mode? Atunci cand pornesti calculatorul, inainte sa iti apara Logo cu windows, apasa tasta F8 pana o sa-ti apara optiunile de bootare. Alege optiunea Start Windows in Safe Mode.
6. Daca ai instalat pe calculatori un alt sistem de operare booteaza de pe el, sau de pe LIVE CD/LIVE DVD cum ar fi BartPE, Knoppix, sau alte sisteme de operare care poate sa citeasca NTFS sau FAT32, si incearca sa stergi fisierul de acolo.
7. Un alt sfat bun ar fi acela sa scoti harddisk-ul din calculator si sa-l conectezi la un alt calculator. Acum mai mult ca sigur vei putea sterge fisierele sau folderele problema.